This photograph was produced by European Southern Observatory (ESO). Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

This photograph was produced by European Southern Observatory (ESO).
Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Those who subscribe to Darwinian evolution are hoping to find an exoplanet with life, especially one with advanced intelligent life. Their hope lies in the theory of evolution–if it happened here, logic dictates it that must have also happened on other planets as well. But, not all scientists buy into the theory.
With the new discovery of exoplanet Proxima b, located orbiting the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our Sun, some scientists are suggesting that Proxima b may harbor life, or at least microbial life at best. With that said, we should understand that Proxima b is still 4.2 light years away, or 25 trillion miles; and with current technology it would take (according to Sky and Telescope), 165,000 years using the speed of the Space Shuttle, which travels at 17, 600 mph (28,300 kph).
We will never get to visit Proxima b, nor any other exoplanet–the distances in space are just too vast for our current technology.
So, why do we hear scientists say things like–its Earths twin, or, Earth-like planet? Why do we hear these things when, the truth is, they haven’t a clue? May I suggest its evolutionary desperation. Many will disagree with me on that, but in my opinion, that is what it is.
Truth is, we are alone in the vast universe, and Earth is unique. Even if there are billions, or even trillions of exoplanets in the universe, it does not matter because Earth alone harbors man, and the other life found here.

Nevertheless, there is other life in the universe–and yes, extraterrestrial life does exist. Unfallen and fallen angels move to and from Earth, even traversing dimensional boundaries, and the Bible reveals that one day the Fallen Ones will be forcefully cast out of the heavens, and find their abode on Earth, for a few short years–called the Tribulation. You can find all of the details regarding a future alien invasion of our planet in my book Alien Antichrist, The Terrifying Truth About, UFOs and Aliens, Antichrist, and the End of Days.
Jeff Wingo

“Research Suggests Earth Created Specially to Sustain Life”


How will you respond if SETI informs the public that they have established contact with an alien intelligence from an exoplanet (like the newly discovered Proxima b, which orbits the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our Sun)? Will you be shocked, afraid, or, more than likely, will you just shrug your shoulders and carry on with everyday life?

Many social scientists believe that most people will just “carry on.” Truthfully, what else can we do–for the moment?

For those who understand Bible prophecy, they will realize that it is possible that some type of alien beings may soon arrive, at the invite of scientists and other world leaders. The Vatican may position itself as the only “mediator” between the “gods” and humankind–sound familiar? It should, because that is what the Vatican has done for centuries; and that is the scenario of Bible prophecy and the biblical revelation of the Beast, or the Antichrist.

The old Bible prophecy teachers focused on a Revived Roman Empire, but folks we have moved beyond the old European Union–the entire WORLD is right now a copy of the Old Roman Empire, and high level Bankers and Industrialists already control what we see, hear, and eat.

So how will you respond if intelligent aliens contact Earth? Pray, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Second, realize that you are not alone, there are other Christians who understand what is going on. And third, get with other like-minded Christians and support one another, knowing that great deception is afoot; and fourth, realize that the media will be tightly controlled to manipulate public opinion. Watch what you “watch” on TV, and other media forms like the Internet.

We can’t control what happens, but we don’t have to fall for the deception either.

Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

If SETI’s Signal Is A Sign Of Intelligent Life, We Can Probably Expect These Changes On Earth

Thanks for visiting

Jeff Wingo

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bookcoverimagealien-antichrist1[1]If you would like to learn more about the alien lie, the end times, the rise of Antichrist, and the coming Strong Delusion, please consider picking up a copy of my book, Alien Antichrist, The Terrifying Truth about UFOs and Aliens, Antichrist, and the End of Days

The Antichrist and the Beast system of Babylon the Great are both important parts of the prophetic picture in the Bible. Get the book, increase your knowledge of Bible prophecy and you won’t be caught off guard by the coming Strong Delusion. You may get the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and at other fine bookstores as a print on demand title. At Amazon you may get the book on Kindle, and if you have Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Prime you may get a copy through those programs as well.

Here is the link to Amazon:

Alien Antichrist, The Terrifying Truth about UFOs and Aliens, Antichrist, and the End of Days

Thanks again for visiting.

Jeff Wingo